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CallMiner Expands with New Office and Training Center in Fort Myers

March 24, 2016

CallMiner, a locally founded software company, experiences high growth by powering contact centers with speech analytics technology. CallMiner Eureka improves agent performance to provide better service to customers and increases operational efficiency, compliance and revenue.

Fort Myers, FL – March 24 – CallMiner (, provider of customer engagement analytics software used in call centers, is moving to an expansive 13,000 square feet facility at University Park. The new office will allow CallMiner to accommodate its recent rapid growth as well as the growth that it expects over the next several years. In addition, the space will house a new training facility to host customers and partners that will come from all over the world to learn best practices for using CallMiner Eureka products. The Fort Myers office is also home to CallMiner software development, research, services and marketing organizations.

CallMiner has doubled staff in Fort Myers since 2012 as well as added 30 positions in remote locations that are managed through the Fort Myers office. The company expects to add up to 10 new positions this year. Through a strong relationship with the FGCU software engineering faculty, CallMiner is engaged in several projects and, to-date, have filled four engineering positions with FGCU graduates.

“We have a strong relationship with CallMiner,” says Dahai Guo, Ph.D., Chair and Associate Professor the U.A. Whitaker College of Engineering at the Florida Gulf Coast University. “CallMiner engineers are members of our Advisory Board. They review our curriculum and recommend ways to better prepare our graduates for real-world engineering careers. We currently have four students working on a CallMiner project that will help improve processes for business analysts. This experience is invaluable to our students,” Guo says.

“When I founded CallMiner in Lee County 14 years ago, our goal was to provide a great place to work as well as bring leading edge technology to Southwest Florida,” says CTO and Founder Jeff Gallino. It is with great pride, that as the largest software technology employer in Lee County, we are announcing today that we have once again expanded into a larger office space in Fort Myers. We also want to acknowledge the strong partnership with Lee County and thank the community for helping to make this growth possible,” Gallino concludes. The continuing expansion is due in part to the advancement of CallMiner’s product functionality and the ability to analyze all types of customer conversations – chat, email, text and social media in addition to voice. “We remain the innovation leader in the customer engagement analytics space,” says President and CEO Terry Leahy. “CallMiner Eureka solutions provide speech analysis and conversational trending insights post-interaction and in real time. This empowers call center agents to optimize every outcome – whether that’s resolving an issue, answering a question or completing a sale,” Leahy says.

Expansion is also due to CallMiner’s growing customer base. “Our products power some world-renowned brands including Carmax, British Gas, Vodafone, Nautilus, Santander, the world’s largest etailer, large government agencies and others,” says Vice President of Marketing Scott Kendrick. “The new office better reflects our customer-centric culture–one that we are proud to bring our customers to for meetings and training. It gives our growing workforce a place to enjoy coming to each day,” Kendrick says.

On Thursday, April 7, from 4 PM – 6PM, CallMiner will host an open house at its new office, 12800 University Drive, Suite 500, Fort Myers, Florida. All are welcome.

About CallMiner CallMiner believes that resolution is the fundamental driver of positive customer experiences. When contact center agents and others responsible for customer engagement are enabled by insight and feedback in real-time, they can dramatically improve the rate and speed of positive outcomes. With the tagline “Listen to Your Customers, Improve Your Business” our goal is to help companies automate the overwhelming process of extracting insight from phone calls, chats, emails and social media to dramatically improve customer service and sales, reduce the cost of service delivery, mitigate risk, and identify areas for process and product improvement. Highlighted by multiple customer achievement awards, CallMiner has consistently ranked number one in customer satisfaction, including surveys conducted by DMG Consulting and Ovum. For more information, please contact CallMiner at (781) 547-5666, or visit

Contact: Maureen Szlemp, Marketing Director, Lead Generation | | 319-573-3312

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